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Completed Projects

Client: Thompsons Limited

Project: 150mm Ø Foul Sewer Connection for new commercial units in Liverpool City Centre

Client: Northill Properties

Location: Hackney, London

Scope of works: 

  • Construction of 4m deep manhole on Victoria Park Road.

  • 5m gravity sewer installed from Victoria Park Road to newly constructed manhole in Derby Road.

  • Construction of 45m MDPE rising main from manhole in Derby Road to facilitate the installation of new pump station in our client's site.

Client: S S F Group Ltd

Project: construction of 29 apartments

Scope of works: 

  • Radio detection used due to the complexity of the existing services.

  • Installation of a 1200mm diameter manhole 2m deep

  • Installation of 21m of 150mm clay sewer pipe

  • Installation of a 1200mm diameter demarcation manhole

  • Reinstatement to the excavation area

Client: GEDA Construction

Project: Cosby, Leicestershire

Scope of works: 

  • S278 works complete to site entrance

Client: F Q Contractors

Project: Highfield Hill, London

Scope of works: 

  • Excavating down and connecting onto 375mm diameter foul sewer via a 'Y' junction

  • New 150mm clay sewer pipe laid into site boundary

  • Backfilling and full reinstatement to excavation area

Project: Chelsea, London

Scope of works: 

  • Connection of new luxury basement into the public sewer

  • Connecting onto the existing sewer via a 150mm off 225mm 'Y' Junction

  • Backfill and reinstatement to all excavation works

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